Odisha VAT

Odisha VAT (Value Added Tax) is a tax implimented by the Odisha Sales Tax department in place of Sales Tax in the Year 2004.

This tax (VAT) is applicable on sale of scheduled goods and the rate differs from 0%, 1%, 5% or 13.5% depending on the item and mentioned in the schedules of Odisha VAT.

A dealer has to charge VAT on sale of goods and pay the same to the department after taking the benefit of input VAT (vat on purchases).
For eg.
A dealer purchased goods for Rs. 100/- and pays Rs. 5 as input VAT and sells the same for Rs. 200 and collect Rs. 10/- as output VAT then he have to pay Rs. 5/- to the dept. (i.e. Output VAT - Input VAT = VAT Payable)

Now a days the dept has made is mandatory to make the payment online and file the returns online too. A dealer has to file the return through form (VAT-201) online.


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